This week in Media Literacy we read and discussed an article about the new cigarette warning labels that have been developed by the Federal Government. We learned that 37,000 Canadians die each year of tobacco related illnesses. The new warning labels will take up 75% of the packaging and feature very graphic images and messages. One of these images is of a former model, Barb Tarbox on her deathbed. The caption beside the image says: "This is what dying of cancer looks like". Students have gone to the computer lab to view samples of the new warning labels and give their personal evaluation of whether or not they are effective. They have also been asked to suggest their own strategies to help people stop smoking.
As someone who was involved with the initial research to get warning labels off the ground, I can tell you that they do work! New and varied pictures and warnings were long overdue, as kids and parents get de-sentisized to prolonged exposure to the same message.