You may be wondering why I have started a class blog? I hope that this will be a fun way for me to communicate with you - the parents and students of Room 202. Research has shown that student achievement improves when parents clearly understand the expectations and learning activities of their child's classroom. I hope to publish posts 3-4 times each week. These posts may be about a school wide event, something we have been learning in class, a field trip or an upcoming project.
The format I have chosen will allow you to post comments in response to my postings. Please bookmark this site and check it often for updates. The address is: www.room202newsandviews.blogspot.com. My hope for this blog is that it will help you feel a part of our classroom community as well as help your child achieve his or her learning goals. Finally, instead of asking your child, "What did you do at school today?" and getting the dreaded answer, "nothing", you will have have something specific to ask about.
I would like to thank two people in particular who have inspired me to learn something new and give this a try. One is my son, Kieran's teacher, Natalie, who faithfully sends an email to all of her parents every day entitled "Ask About". This is the first teacher Kieran has had who did this and it has been great to feel "in the loop". Secondly, a new teacher at our school, Wayne, has been very kind to get me started and help me set up this blog.